How I will benefit?
How do I benefit?
Decisions are what create your future. To potentially improve your future decide, choose our courses where you will learn to make the right decisions at all times, through our simulators you will in all probability fail and this is where you will learn.
Are you afraid of decision making?

Fear is sometimes good, use it in your favour. Start this adventure and learn how a company works from the inside!
Do you know about “decision making”? Do you know about Business?
With us you will learn everything you need and more.
Are you afraid about failure?
Experiment in our safe online environment, no matter what happens, learn from your mistakes and solve your business problems.
It is all about “Decision Making”
Face your own “fears” in our safe and risk-free environment and learn to open your mind, commit and act, subsequently developing your self-esteem.
What is the platform to you and what does it give to the user?

A Teacher
A teacher gives you knowledge and helps you to gain basic skills.
A Mentor
As mentor, our platform helps you to develop and train your decision making process in a safe and risk free environment – it increases your ability to analyse, judge and act.
A Motivator
As a motivator, our platforms helps you to build your self-confidence and stay active. It encourages and motivates you to use your newly gained skills and abilities in your daily life and business processes.
Why should I be interested in the online business simulation platform?
The business simulation is an excellent method for learning or training to act in different business situations.
Our Platform is the “missing link” between idea & implementation!
Learning and practice by doing!
Our Online Platform is a serious simulation tool. It helps practice oriented teaching of management knowledge and content, that cannot be learnt from books. Research illustrates that learning with practice by doing (through simulation) delivers retention rates of 75 %.
Learning is much more efficient if we try out and discuss the learning material in a playful way, instead of listening to standard lectures.
People who decide to take such a course gain many benefits, which in the perspective of further development may prove invaluable. It is worth to and you will discover that the decision to take an online course was the right one.
Participants are engaged in the training/simulation, so their performance, reaction to the tasks, communication and cooperation can be observed better through live action, including how they take responsibility and react under stress
Taking on new things, or developing those in which we already have some experience, is a great opportunity for self-improvement. Expanding your horizons, developing in a given field expands your opportunities, boosts self-esteem and provides the feeling that you do not stand still, that your time is used well and profitably. These are just a few of the reasons that you should choose the Cambridge School of Business.
Anyone who is interested in business and everything related to it can choose from different types of courses, which are characterized by attention to detail and also have countless amounts of information that can be used to learn or consolidate people’s knowledge. Personal development and staying up to date with innovations are important in the labour market, it shows that people are open to new experiences and want to achieve something more. The online business simulation, using modern technologies, allows you to broaden your horizons on your business path.
Simulation of online business allows you to acquire a large amount of knowledge in a short time.
Each online business course can be divided into several sessions, which is comfortable for those who do not have much time to spend at once. The scope of the material is extensive and the use and combination of techniques such as simulation, gamification and edutainment greatly help and facilitate learning. Every time we go back to the moment when we stopped, it is possible to use the knowledge base. Returning to it preserves what has already been learned and acquires new information more effectively.
Learn & Train the Methods of Business!
Online business simulation allows you to learn at your own pace. You can return to the simulation at any time and place.
You do not have to leave home, you can learn in your favourite cafe, or at work – wherever you have time. It is a concentrated knowledge in an attractive form of business simulation, containing elements of gamification and game theory. Edutainment – combining learning through entertainment in an attractive form – is a proven method that appeals to everyone.
The benefits of online business simulation also include the ability to save your money and the ability to focus better, and thus to learn more effectively. Online courses, as opposed to classroom courses, save you money when traveling to a destination that is often far away, in another city or even in another country, and the cost of accommodation or food is also not necessary. There is no need to rent a room or a lecturer. Deciding on an online business course you can focus on achieving your goals and tasks and on learning without distraction. There are no additional, unnecessary stimuli in the form of other participants, noise, etc. Better focus enables faster and more accurate knowledge acquisition.
By choosing our online business courses you gain many benefits and opportunities. Self-improvement, confidence and development in a risk free and safe environment.