Learn and Train "Decision making" in our safe and risk-free Business simulation environment. Develop new Business skills in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Business Development, Communication Skills, Strategic Thinking, Adaptation Skills, Change Management and many more....
First of all, our online platform is your "Teacher" in gaining knowledge and basic skills. As a "Mentor" it helps you train and develop your "decision making process" together with the abilities to analyse and judge - plus create actions based upon your decisions'. Furthermore, as"Motivator" it encourages you not to be afraid of, and to undertake decisions. Consequently it also helps you build your self-confidence by being able to recreate the decision making process over and over again in a safe and risk free business simulation environment.
"Learning by doing - with no risk!" - The program allows you or even encourages/convinces you, to consider repeated simulations. Your decisions can be motivated by the desire to improve your simulated results, check the effects after choosing a different strategy or completely change the concept of managing a virtual business. Learning by doing is proven the most effective way of learning!
Cambridge School of Business is a collaboration between the Cambridge School of English, Cambridge School Online, L2 - Language Consulting and the creators of the Online Business simulation learning platform, collectively the aim is to create a project that is more business-oriented than regular courses or universities.
Cambridge School of English is a professional, accredited language school and Business Training provider offering Business Trainings and English language courses with qualified Trainers and Native Speakers. It also cooperates with L2 Language Consulting - a professional training provider, language school and translation agency, providing language training for multinational companies, including English courses and translating from and into a wide number of languages. With more than 50 years of training experience and educating, during their existence, staff of many international corporation's, such as Nestle, Bayer, Coca-Cola and many more, we have extracted the needs of many different business situations and turned this, with technical support, into an online business simulation platform, that allows users to improve their "decision making process" within a safe and risk-free environment. This enables the users, to develop their professional skill set and adopt it to the special requirements of their daily operational work environment.